We have done this before for a school named Heyes Lane, it is where all my brothers go to (Alfie, Mackenzie and Geordie).
But I did not live here when they did it , so it is just as exciting for me. I have been really into all the turning and stuff. I had to be extra careful not to un plug the incubator because it is in my plug socket.
I cannot wait to hear them cheaping.Everyone at school is excited and saying that they will not have to shop for eggs no more they can just get some of me .
I meen they might be waiting a while maybe till next year beacause they might be too young to lay this year and they do not lay in the winter. Also we might have to go through the whole process of putting the eggs in the incubator again if they come out as cockerels .
Will blog soon Kendal x
nice blog Kendal....fee x