Handmade sign by Chipper Nelly

Friday, April 30, 2010

Urban Cluck - Bespoke Living Spaces for Chicks!

Neale came round today to discuss 'fencing options' (what an exciting life we lead!) He has booked in for a week on Sunday to come round with Graham to do the deed! The girls are going to live in a fenced area behind the workshop at the bottom of the garden.

In the meantime, I have been given the task of clearing the area before the fencing goes in. 'No problem...' I said. 'I can do that easily....' I said. Then me and Geordie squeezed, clambered and climbed down the side of the workshop to have a better look...

Hmmmm! me thinks it might take a while... But it will be worth it when the girls have somewhere gorgeous to live!

Speaking of the girls, Geordie made them a 'chick treat' today...mashed hard boiled egg. Apparently it is good for their feather development. We boiled it...waited for it to cool...peeled it...mashed it and put it in the broody cage. Did they love it after all of Geordie's effort?
No! they stood in it and then pooed in it and then we put it in the bin! If they end up bald it is their own fault!

Perish the thought!

Here are our gorgeous girlies today. Their wing feathers are really coming in now. Nancy's are a beautiful colour they look like they are shot brown and orange. What a stunner!!

1 comment:

  1. with the looks of thoose picture it is going to take you a long longf time to clean it but it will be worth it

    kendal x
