Read on Internet last night that it is often up to 23 days, especially in a basic incubator, as the temperature and the humidity is not guaranteed and that can delay the development.
I reckon by day 25 it might be time to call it a day. I know from the last time I candled them that there was definitely something in them all so I am still living in hope.
On the way to school this morning the boys were asking what we would do if they didn't hatch. They all are under the impression that we are going to hop in the car and drive down to pay Cockerdoodle Mark a visit and pick up some chicks. I did point out it was four and half hours drive away - apparently that is not an issue..they will take their DS's!
Lets hope it doesn't come to that!

Hi Alistair & Gang. Have you candled the eggs due to hatch? this won't hurt them, you should see all of the egg completely dark with just the air sack (fat end of egg) clear. Through this clear part of the egg you should see either movement or even posibly the beak of the chick.