Geordie has been nagging me for ages to let him take them in - today was the day! Poor girls - when I picked them up they were knackered...couldn't even cheep!!
Geordie's teacher (the lovely Mrs Thomas) is petrified of birds, so that didn't help much. Just as well Geordie is such a chicken expert these days. By all accounts he ran the show and organised the chicks and Mrs Thomas.
If that wasn't enough for the poor girls it was
Kenzie's class next. According to
Kenzie the chicks caused such a stir that he had to be their body guard over lunchtime! I heard him telling Alfie a story tonight about how Nancy ended up under Mr Downes' desk at one point - I didn't dare ask!
Kenzie spent most of his afternoon taking the girls round to the other classes and showing off his expertise, which made him feel very important!
Then our
Alfs got in on the act and they went into Year 5 for the last half hour of the day.
Mertyl pooed on someones head - apparently - Once again, I didn't ask how or why!
When I went in to pick them up they were in the middle of ukulele club....
Think they might need a rest tomorrow!
When I dropped them off I made sure that I went to say hello to my lovely pig Tilly (oh and some of the staff!) Turns out that Chico (school cockerel) has not produced many fertile eggs this year - only 1 chick!
Chico is about 5 years old now - so either he is passed it, or it has something to do with the fact that the hens he is with are his daughters! I am sure this can't be good.
Anyway I have suggested that Chico can retire to 'Chicken Doug's' farm and if any of ours turn out to be a cockerel, school can have him.
Cockerdoodle Mark for the post...looks like we might have at least one for them! No surprise which one!
CockerDoodleMark said... Hi Al, Nancy has huge feet because she is a Nigel!! one of the first give away signs in a young 'grower'. Young male birds also have a more pointed face, the hens have a softer rounder face ..... but you never know, all part of the fun.